At Barclays UK Bank, it’s a people thing.

At Barclays UK Bank, we put our customers and colleagues first.


Asset Creation and Guide

Your private account officer, supported by our team of portfolio managers and trading specialists, is always at hand to help you make sound financial decisions.

checl Deposit Checks Instantly
checl A Powerful Support System
checl Affiliates And Partnerships
checl Coverage Around The World
checl Business Without Borders
checl Online Banking at your fingertips

Credit Solutions

Our portfolio leveraging, mortgage and personalized financing options allow our customers to access credit facilities without much paperwork.

checl Portfolio leveraging
checl Residential real estate financing
checl Premium Support
checl Insurance premium financing
checl Education financing
checl Corporate financing

Entirely providing best services

Our open-architecture product platform backed by strong research capabilities provide our clients with first-class private banking and bespoke wealth planning solutions.

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Great customer service

Our customer service makes the experience worth it for each and every single customer


On the go Support

Our support staff/helpdesk is just one email away and ever ready to help you.


Our uniqueness and purpose

At Barclays UK Bank, we take a holistic view of your wealth to provide a distinct level of service that is one of the finest in the industry. It is this philosophy that governs everything we do, from the way we execute decisions to how we act in our clients’ best interests at all times.

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